A big problem is the sum of many little problems.
Any problem is a big problem when you feel like you can't solve it.
My dad used to tell me that any big problem is the sum of many little problems.
I can still see him, legs crossed on the couch, teaching me how to deal with tween drama.
I often think about it these days.
I’m in a few freelancers & writers’ groups on Facebook, and I see questions like:
How do I get (my first/more) clients?
How do I get motivated to write every day?
How do I find the time/energy to write?
Those may sound like common problems—you can find so much advice online—but any problem is a big problem when you feel like you can't solve it.
So let’s break down one of these.
Big problem: I can’t find the clients I need.
Smaller problems:
I don’t know where my clients go to look for the services I offer.
I know where my clients look for services, but I don’t know how to master those platforms.
I don’t know what my clients are looking for when they’re choosing someone to work with.
I don’t know what successful people in my field do to get clients.
It’s taking me more time than I thought to get the number of clients I want, which lowers my confidence & motivation.
Isn’t this easier?
If not, you can break down each of those problems further.
When I first started writing on Medium, I had no idea how to get traction. I broke down the problem into smaller problems and: learned what to write about, how to write it, where to post it, when to post it, and how the platform works.
I’ve started and stopped writing on the platform a few times, and it always takes me 3-5 months to get back to 4 figures.
Why? Because this method lets you build a strategy. When you have a good strategy, nothing can stop you.
So. Break it down. Solve one little problem. Then another, then another.
If you have a big problem you’d like me to break down, post it in the comments, and I’ll do it.
Happy problem-solving!