When I first started my one-person business, I focused on making money asap. The more, the better.
I didn’t know how to make it other than to offer services, so I put my coaching & copywriting offerings anywhere and everywhere.
For years, that was all I focused on. Silly, silly Maya.
The problem with this is I didn’t have a business. I had a job working for Fiverr. And let me tell you, Fiverr is a demanding employer. My income still varies from $10K to practically zero per month, and there’s not much I can do about it.
I don’t want this to happen to you. It sucks being out of control, and that’s not what having a one-person business is about.
In my last post, I mentioned the three ways to make money online. Here they are again.
Work for clients, offering services.
Work for customers, offering products (digital or physical).
Work for audiences, creating helpful content.
We also touched upon the fact that you should start with #3.
Here’s why:
You reach more people. Few people care to learn more about what you sell. Many people may be interested to hear what you have to say. Then, if they like that, they will be more willing to buy from you. At a better price, too.
You build your own audience. If you consistently put yourself out there and offer people the option to subscribe to your e-mail list, some will. Treat them like gold.
You can even get paid. Years ago, people created content for the sole purpose of attracting attention. Now, multiple platforms offer payment for content creators.
You can do it on your own terms. Ideally, you’d have some schedule—posting twice a week, for example. Besides that, you have all the freedom in the world: topics, platforms, frequency, length, and style. You can be fully you.
If you consistently create helpful content and start an e-mail list so you have instant & free access to your audience, this will build up your one-person business like nothing else.
But where to create content? Where are your people? And what to say to them that hasn’t been said a million times before?
We’ll touch on that in the next post. Make sure you subscribe so you don’t miss it.