When you’re a solopreneur, the power is in your hands to conquer the world.
Especially these days. So many opportunities.
Here’s the problem:
It’s too much. Sometimes, business and life are just too much.
I had to send this newsletter on Thursday or Friday.
I follow this schedule: two newsletters per week, one on Tuesday, one on Thursday or Friday.
Well, guess what? It’s Saturday.
I f**** up.
And I’ve done it many times before, too.
I’d done it with Medium stories.
I’d done it with social media posts.
I’d done it with novels.
I’d start something, and then I’d fail miserably.
Then I’d feel so bad about myself that I’d forgo the whole thing.
Not right away, but after two or three more “failures”, I’d decide this just isn’t my thing.
Total BS.
I don’t want you to think like that ever.
I don’t want you to blame yourself if you missed an article or a newsletter or had cake for dessert. Ever. Because:
It. Doesn’t. Matter.
Life is a zig-zagging path. You’ll have good days and bad days.
What ultimately matters is whether you Zig more or you Zag more.
That’s the direction you’re going. If you Zig more, you go towards the Zig. If you Zag more, you go towards the Zag.
Everything else is a slight detour.
You’re getting this newsletter on Saturday. It was going to be about something else, but now I wrote it to be about the fact that you’re getting it on Saturday.
Because I want you to know that there will always be times when you’ll drop the ball. You’ll have your own Saturday newsletters, for sure.
They mean nothing. They’re not reflective of your self-worth, and they’re not predictive of your success.
Keep zig-zagging.
You will get there.
I’m so proud of how far you’ve already come.
Sending you unwavering confidence,