Mar 29Liked by Maya Sayvanova

Really enjoyed this read, Maya! I think this is such a relevant topic because I’m beginning to see a lot of solopreneurs, especially in the wellness and self help industries, beginning to shift their businesses away from the manifestation mentality that was once incorporated. Some even speaking out against manifestation as “the cure to getting results.”

So thank you for providing such an informative essay on practical ways to use manifestation techniques to our advantage! I can definitely say journaling and vision boards have continue to do wonders for me in having clarity in what I want!

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Imagine a serene, warm, sunny Spring Day with nary clouds in the sky and a hint of a breeze off the ocean. You're on a beach, and the tide is still going out. You and your bark-less Basenji are alone as far as you can see. You have all day and nowhere to go. You begin building 'sandcastles' without any plan or design in mind. The holes you dig, some the size and depth of a bathtub, source the little town square. A couple of small lakes and a few ponds are beginning to fill as the tide has already started its move back to land. You're done. Standing with a smile, knowing it will all be gone soon. A thought appears that only some life in the ponds and lakes is missing. Some fish and a few tiny turtles would do. It's not a wish, a notion, just the whimsy of an idea. Do you have it, or does it have you? At that moment, your dog barks with an urgency that has you look where he is at. He's nose into the breeze, tail wagging, barking at nothing! Suddenly, he stops, turns, smiles his sheepish grin at you, and returns to wandering the beach. You turn back to discover fish are swarming in the largest pools and turtles bobbing along in the smaller ones. You are in awe, knowing it had nothing to do with you and everything because of you. The tide is almost at the edge of the first 'castle,' seagulls have noticed the swarming small fish. It will all be gone soon, and you know someone or something pays attention to you.

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