Thx Maya,

I really needed this little 'wake-up' call.

Focus on the positive. Keep the endless pressure as low as possible. We're trying and that's A LOT!

Thx for being so open about your own struggle. If not this year, I'm sure you'll send out articles to those publications next year! All the best! X

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You should be SO proud of yourself for showing up! Every time you show up, every time you go through the process, you learn something new. Every new iteration takes you closer to the results you want. My progress has been much slower than I expected, based on the fact that I used to have better results, but things change. It doesn't mean I'll give up, I just have to adapt. I'm 100% sure you can achieve everything you want. You'll find the right way, the right time and the right opportunity. <3

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Really love the article and the "peek behind curtain" reflections! Thanks!

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