So, so true. I've had great success on Fiverr (projects of $2500+) and yes, it's WAY easier to sell because people are actually there to buy. There are so many platforms like this and I totally agree, people need to be there AND on a writing-platform (like Substack) to grow. That 'intent'...key! Wishing you well with your course, I've been looking at the 'stage 2' option.

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The Audience Builder? You’ll love that 😍 but let’s talk about it next week ;)

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Sounds great

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Hello Julie!

Could you share some of these platforms you mentioned that are similar to Fivver? TIA.

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Upwork is the first that comes to mind. The gig process is a little different, but caters to freelancers. At one point (I’m not as familiar with it as Fiverr), their target customer (meaning, those who are hiring freelancers) were perhaps larger companies than those on Fiverr. Although, I think Fiverr has upped their game in that department. When I was really active on Fiverr, I worked on projects (gigs) for larger corporations, so they are there, too.

Others that I know of are Toptal, Freelancer, and Behance (targeted to creative professionals using Adobe tools, for instance). There seems to be more and more platforms that specialize based on location (Peopleperhour in the UK) and work specialty (like Behance).

In my mind, other platforms where people visit with the intent to purchase are sites like Amazon, Skillshare, and Udemy (a wide range, I know). You can self-publish all sorts of books on Amazon and the good ones will get buyers. Platforms like Skillshare and Udemy are for course creators (and of course, there are others!).

Hope that helps you!

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Thanks for sharing. It's a big help.

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Fantastic article. As a solopreneur offering soft skills training, life and career coaching, and digital marketing consulting, I'm always looking for ways to inhance my income in this VUCA world. Thanks for sharing these Fiver tips. Looking forward to Fivver Launcer course and Audience Builder post.

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Jun 12Liked by Maya Sayvanova

Honestly whatever you are selling you’re better off trying to understand the problem the person is facing and being honest if your solution can solve it or not. That builds a long term reputation!

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