I absolutely loved your article. I recognized myself in so much of what you wrote. Your honesty about imposter syndrome and the struggle with negative self-talk really hit home. Your approach to overcoming these challenges by changing your inner dialogue and focusing on love and positive experiences is inspiring. Thank you for sharing your journey!

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Thank you, Kathy! So happy it resonates 🙏

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Oh this spoke to me so deeply! I have mean talk as well. And have to remind myself that my emotions aren't facts. I wrote a post on Imposter Syndrome a little while ago, and even writing it all out was empowering (if not a little vulnerable!)


Thanks for your vulnerability so we all can grow.

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Jun 26Liked by Maya Sayvanova

Love this, exactly what I needed today! Thank you 🙏

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I feel seen by this article. 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽

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That was precisely the point <3

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Maya, I barely know you, but barely is enough to know you are anything but mean! Try Pushover, Kindness Ambassador! You are smart, clever, classy, and caring all around. Own It, girl! Best, Susan

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Thank you for sharing- Imposter syndrome- feeling like you are going to be found out! So good to hear that from someone else- and you all. It is not just me. I took a leap of faith and left the stable job to do what I love - personal and retreat chef. The fear of the overwhelm can be immense. And we do need to allow ourselves to stop. I love what I do and need to watch my energy. Permission to pause and then the good stuff flows. I will practice more. Thanks again.

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thank you for this Maya. Imposter syndrome has tried to hold me back all my life. Somehow I have still achieved things in spite of it , but it sure has made me tired. It's been holding back my attempts at a successful side hustle.

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Love the anecdotes about Noom (and accidental negative self talk) and flying.

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I feel that in my soul. I actually wrote a post on this topic the other week. I'm slowly but surely I'm trying to get over the whole thing. With each new word I get better I feel like.

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Thank you, thank you, thank you. I can so relate to this! As someone else commented, 'I feel seen'. Definitely. When I think of some fun thing to say or fun way to say it, I immediately stop and check myself. I mean, that's what you do when you work for someone else and are essentially their mouthpiece, right? It's an engrained habit, but one I can unlearn and then re-learn from some other, more real, more fun perspective!

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You absolutely need to unlearn & re-learn this—when you start doing things your way, that’s when you’ll build your dream business (cliche as this sounds).

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I totally feel this, Maya!

I think I also need to let go a little and not try so hard.

I need to find the fun and ease.

Thank you for the reminder!

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Jun 25Liked by Maya Sayvanova

What a great post, thank you. It was very helpful that you listed what you learned. Double thanks. Also, I really like Marissa Peer. I haven't seen the Fear of Flying video, but have seen, and loved, her I Am Enough videos. They're stellar.

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Jun 25Liked by Maya Sayvanova

Thank you!

Valuable insights and tips.

I was going to add thanks for sharing your past failures - but, of course, you transformed them into triumphs! Fantastic!

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The dynamics of past emotions impacting our decisions about our future and that the only logical way to divert is not logic - but again emotion - is genius!

Actually, I think I am going to write down things I love about the things that irritate or scare me (but that I am still drawn to!)

I wonder if this kind of approach is a concept from Neurolinguistic programming?

Anyways, thanks for this valuable composition of personal story, psychology and entrepreneurship! 🙂

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Thankyou, loved this post. Helps us solo entrepreneurs feel less alone 🫶🏽

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Thanks for sharing.

I have another tip. Find a worse fear.

The idea of getting a normal job makes me want to puke.

So, there's no space for insecurity. I must publish and sell.

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Unfortunately, that doesn’t work for me. If I think about a bigger fear, I just get more negative. I know it’s working for some people though.

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Yes, it's dangerous territory.

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