Hey Maya, thx for these first tips! Will be thinking about n°1 some more this afternoon & I'll remember to look out for people who are living more or less the lifestyle I would love to build. N° 3 is one I've heard before so many times but am struggling with as it seems like yet another task on the endless list of to do's and then I ask myself: what if I don't write newsletters, then it's for nothing. :s

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Hey Catherine! Yes, that's exactly what I was thinking when I started, and now I'm kicking myself.

Here are a few reasons why you absolutely need a newsletter:

1. It's the ultimate validation of your business. If people are interested in what you can do for them, they'd subscribe to your newsletter. Not all of these people will become paying clients and that's okay. Still, some of the worlds' millionaires and billionaires keep saying that e-mail is their best performing marketing channel. These are people who have a lot of money for ads, and still say they money's in the list. Makes you think, doesn't it?

2. It's super easy to upkeep. Send one e-mail a week. Make it a summary of an article you posted somewhere with a link to the article. It doesn't have to be this huge thing. It probably will be, because it's super fun to connect with your people, but it's okay to take it slow at first.

3. It's always yours. Social media platforms change their algorithms, freelance platforms punish you for a project that didn't go well, it seems like everyone is out to get you. Your e-mail list IS your business. You can make a lot of money on other platforms, but if you want any kind of security, it's in the list.

I know there are a lot of tasks when you start, but starting & growing your e-mail list should be among your top priorities, if not the first.

You know, you've inspired me to write a post about that, because if I can convince more people to start an e-mail list early, that alone would be worth it this newsletter.

Have an awesome day, Catherine, and don't hesitate to ask anything. <3

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Jun 16, 2023Liked by Maya Sayvanova

Well, if I already inspired you, than that's already a big win! ;)

I'll be sure to think about it and at least give it a try in the near future.

Thx again!

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